
queer French-Lebanese writer & photographer,

My work mainly focuses on the body, its ever-expanding capacities, its frustrating limits, its pulsions, its reservations. It is to me a lab rat, a case, a researchee. I am keen on exploring subjects which extract vulnerability from body –sexual pleasures & traumas, chronic pains, queerness, accumulated baggage from difficult upbringings, religious & cultural inculcations.

My goal is to provoke uncomfortable emotions through raw, straightforward descriptions. Most things brought up in my writings do not serve only one purpose; the feelings, images, reflections are plural. Though meaning found within my artwork belongs wholly to the reader, I believe it is a crucial piece of information to keep in mind for a richer understanding. 

Sex is never just sex. Food is never just food. Pain is never just pain. Tenderness is only ever tenderness. Teeth will be teeth.